I'm still alive and kicking. I almost closed this blog in favor of just having the Blogger blog. I figured since I like Blogger better and it's free, unlike this blog until yesterday, I'd just close this as my personal blog and combine the two. While procrastinating I found out Typepad now has something called a "Micro" plan that's totally free. The design will have to be limited, thus the ugly background color, but paying $80 a year for a blog that's harder to deal with than the free one didn't make sense. The only good thing I could see from having this blog was the amount of followers I have here. I don't get as many hits as I did when I blogged daily, but I've managed to rack up over 20,000 hits without even trying. I'm guessing it's from the free Photoshop Actions I made and given away judging by the stats. Or maybe Typepad shows up better in Google searches? Who knows. Anyway, now that I can keep this one free, too, I'll just keep it. I'm a little sentimental toward it since it was my first blog and I've had it since before most people even knew what a blog was. As someone who considers themselves a creative person, though, it does drive me a little nuts that I can't mess with the design to make it pretty. Hopefully Typepad will change that one day.
Even with all the free blog service on my other blog and now this one, too, I don't find very much interest in blogging any more. I think because everyone has a blog now and they're all so interesting I just can't seem to find my own that interesting by comparison. People are spending all KINDS of time on just one little post! I don't know how they find the time! I have made posts like that with beautiful, edited photos, photoshoped images, tutorials, well thought out posts, and etc... I just can NOT put that kind of time into something that doesn't pay. I do enjoy it when I have really interesting things to chat about, but until then I have to be honest....I probably won't be around that much. Besides, they (whoever "they" happen to be) say "quality is better than quantity", right? I'll still be around, but I won't waste your time with my boring daily details....that's all.
Before I go I MUST post some sort of image! I have always thought that blog posts lacking in some sort of image are just so incredibly dull. So, how about checking out my apps for my iPhone. I add new ones frequently, so why not do an update. You might see an app or two you're interested in trying out!
I know. I really should get caught up in my Google Reader. That's a LOT of reading! I need to delete a few blogs off my list. These screen shots were taken last weekend before I did the big iOS5 update. I had heard bad, bad things about the update and was afraid of losing everything, so I did screen shots in case I couldn't restore the apps. Turns out I didn't need it. By the way, am I the only one that needs a tutorial every time she uses iTunes? Sheesh! I hate that software! Anywho, the icons are a bit different on some of the apps that come standard and there a few new ones, as well. I like the new update. My favorite part of the update is how it now shows messages on the homescreen. Maybe I'll post another shot of them from after the update later.
Thanks for reading and sticking around the ole blog. <3
PS. That smile was totally accidental. Joel witnessed it. I was doing the usual circle on the bread when it spattered and made the eyes. Kolby did the same wth his ketchup the weekend prior. Here is his...
What can I say? Our ketchup has a lot of character? LOL I thought it was funny. It's the little things.