Hello blog hoppers! It's my pleasure to introduce you to our newest family member, Sheldon.
We affectionately refer to him as Sheldon Pooper. You know, like Sheldon Cooper? We won't be putting "Pooper" on his paperwork, of course, but it's sort of a nickname. Any suggestions for a middle name for him? My Mom saw him and said he's a "Longfellow", so maybe Longfellow? I don't know. We'll see. I thought Bazinga would be cute as a middle name because that's sort of a catch phrase of Sheldon Cooper's, but I don't know if many people would get that. Plus, Joel has already started calling his....umm....poop.....bazingas. lol We're an odd bunch around here. Save your breath...we're aware.
We decided to add to our family because Lacey is getting quite old and Penny needs a friend that's able to run around and play with her like Lacey used to do. So far Penny is accepting of him for the most part. She could do without him trying to steal her chew toys, but we'll work on that. She's getting better about his presence each day. Here's a video of the two of them enjoying the new toys we bought them. Sheldon REALLY loves his, as you can see in the vid. He "claims" things he loves. Like my hand, Joel's hand, our legs, all toys, and anything else he can straddle. He's ALL boy.
He's doing very well with his potty training. Surprisingly well, actually. We take him outside and he knows exactly what to do. We're usually only out there for about a minute total. Seriously! And he's only 8.5 weeks old! The little bazingas take a little longer to walk out. Still, though, not long at all. I have him on a tight schedule, just like we did with PenPen. Here it is in case you're in need of a schedule:
6am - Bring out to elimination area |
6:10 - Breakfast in crate |
6:30 - Longer Walk Play time Socialize to kitchen Crate |
11am - Bring out to elimination area |
11:15 - Feed in crate |
11:30 - Walk |
12:00 - Crate |
3pm - Walk Play Crate |
5pm - Bring out to elimination area |
5:10 - Feed in crate |
5:30 - Walk Play, kitchen time Crate |
7-8pm - Bring out to elimination area Optional play and kitchen time |
10-11pm - Bring out to elimination area Crate for night |
I found the schedule HERE.
He's not really fond of his crate, but he's warming up to it fast. Maybe because the first night or two he slept in Mom and Dad's bed. I know, I know...we shouldn't do that. But we were just so in love with him. I quickly realized, just as I did when PenPen was that age, that Mom needs REAL sleep and that can't happen with a wiggly pup sleeping on her neck. The schedule has been great for all of us. He is actually picking up on it quicker than his Mommy. He starts stirring right around the time he's supposed to get out of his crate.
He's eating very well. I have to separate him and Penny during his breakfast, lunch, and dinner, though. Penny would wolf down his puppy food in a snap if I didn't put up the divider in the kitchen.
And before you say to me, "You should have adopted a shelter dog"....I know. We thought this would be better for Penny, though. We talked about it and thought she might be territorial with an adult dog. You'd have to know Penny. So we didn't want to adopt an adult only to have to return him. I'm positive we made the right choice. If we didn't have other fur kids we'd certainly have adopted a shelter dog.
We chose a breeder in Lakeland. Here's her web site address: www.MiniLoves.com And here is Sheldon with the breeder.

Here are a few more photos...
This one is less than 10 seconds after we left the breeder's house.

He snuggled with me in one of the blankets I made for him shortly after I plucked him out of my hair. He must have loved the blanket. He slept a lot of the way home. It was an hour and a half ride.
Here he is on the first day home enjoying more lap time with Mommy.

This was earlier this evening. They were both chewing on bully sticks. I don't usually keep these things around, but those sharp teeth of his need a little dulling. lol He's very much a chewer.

...and a few more....

I'm particularly proud of snagging this one...

Sorry some of these are sideways. I had to rush toward the end of this post as it's time for Little Man to wake up and go outside. Then we'll have our last play time for the night. Also, most of these photos are cell phone shots, so forgive the low quality.
Hugs and smooches,