Well we're back from Naples and Mom has gone home to GA. (thanks again, Mom, for critter-sitting!) It's always so sad when she has to go back home. We both cried as she was leaving today. Kolby said he was sad, too. You never get too old to need your Mommy.
I slept for most of the day today. I have been feeling like I was going into an RA flare up, though, so I guess it's good I stayed off my feet. I SO hope the RA monster isn't flaring its ugly head! It's been a couple of years since my RA has been really bad. My ankle is hurting and so is my hip/back and knee. Plus, as of today, I think I've got a cold. I'm not sure, though, as my allergies have been terrible. Maybe some of this rainy weather will wash that pollen away.
The time I wasn't sleeping today I spent with Kolby. He wanted me to clean his computer off so he could turn it into a gaming computer. It's my old Dell. He uses his laptop for his school work, so this will be his play computer I guess. I still need to take a lot of my stuff off there so it'll be faster for him. He went ahead and started installing, though, before I was done. I left it doing a clean up and when I came back the Clean-Up box was gone and there was a new game on it. lol I asked him what he had done with the Clean-Up and asked if it had finished and he said he didn't know anything about that, but he installed a game. :-P
Mom cut Kolby's hair last night before bed. He has a cute new "do". He doesn't like for me to compliment him on it, but I just had to do it. He looks even more grown up now I think. I can't believe I'm looking UP at him now!! Holy crap....where did my baby go? He looks like a man now!! *sobs*
Joel and I got back from his business trip on Thursday and he already has to leave again on Tuesday. I'm not very happy about his job right now. They don't pay him enough for him to be driving and flying all over the place!! It's really pissing me off! Pardon the language, but it does! I don't see him as much as his co-workers and boss do. That's not right! They should at least give me a loaner husband when they're going to take mine away for so long!! LMBO (just teasing, Joel)
I thought about doing a tutorial for PSP or PS before bed, but it's already 3 AM. I better call it a night or I'll be up till Joel goes to work. That's not out of the ordinary for me, but I try not to do that. I already know which one I really want to do, though. It's such a cute one! http://www.got-milk-tutorials.co.uk/tinyangel.html That's one of my favorite tut sites. She always writes great ones. Anyway, I've already got the tut supplies downloaded, but it'll wait till tomorrow I suppose. I'm still not feeling well, so maybe by tomorrow I'll feel better if I go to bed now.
I'm off to bed. Night all!