Day 24 — Something random.
Oh good, it's something random day again. I think I'll throw a pity party for myself. Ha! How fun for you, right? Naw, I won't blabber on for too long. The truth is, I wouldn't be blogging at all if it weren't for this Tumblr thing and the determination to not skip a day. So why the pity party? Because I keep getting these damn head aches and migraines. Yes, they're two separate things. Some people call the simplest, little head ache a migraine. Here's a little info for those that have never had a migraine. When you have a migraine you don't feel like even talking to SAY you have a migraine. You sometimes get other painful symptoms to go along with a migraine, as well. My other thing to go with migraines is nausea and the ralphing that sometimes follows. Thankfully, right now I only have a REALLY bad head ache. Earlier it was almost migraine status, but I took some migraine meds and it eased up a bit before it got to that point. I'm SO hoping I'll wake up without this thing tomorrow. Wish me luck.
And for those of you who claim you have a migraine when you only have a head ache...don't make me punch you! That really pisses me off! Oh, and while we're on the subject, don't go around saying something hurts worse than labor because that's just not true. Unless you're a gun shot victim or recently lost a limb I doubt the thing you're comparing to labor is really worse. Stop being drama queens to get more attention! That, too, will get you punched in the face!
Wow, I really need to take some anger management classes or something, eh? LOL
I'm off to bed. Maybe the anger will be gone when the head ache hits the road.
Hugs & kisses from your angry blog host,