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June 30, 2009



Hey girl you can write about whatever you want to. pee, snot or relieving sounds it is ok! no pics, ok so we will wait! sorry for your sucky day but good you can write about it! made me laugh anyway! as far as images go...you left some anyway, lol! take care get well! geez that area must be awful for RA, all that moisture can help!


oooops! i meant all that moisture CAN'T be good for RA!


So sorry you are feeling so cruddy. I have had it, Kolby has it now and Jamie's whole family has had it. It must be a viral thing...makes you feel week and tired for a while. I still have the left over cough but the tired is getting better. Hopefully it won't do you like that...hope not.
Mama's hugs to my baby girl...love ya Heapes, Bibbi

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