Here's a first! I'm blogging while I go down the road. We're on our way to St. Augustine to meet up with Joel's parents. I brought my laptop and Joel and I installed his air card from work on here. So while Joel drives us to St. Augustine, I'm blogging! It's been a quiet, and nice drive. It's back roads all the way and they're fairly straight and open. We should be there in a few minutes, so this may be short. I carried my laptop in my new, pink, owl bag. I bought it at Target. It was in the 1 Spot that's always near the entrance. It says, "I love Hoo I am". lol It's cute. I'm also wearing new "flop flops". That's what Joel calls Flip Flops. They're just plain black with a bit of a lift on them. It was either these or my new, black Mary Janes. I'll save those for a dressier occasion. Okay, I'm going to hop off here before I make myself sick. I never do well with reading while I ride, so I'm guessing it's similar for typing. Maybe next post I'll have some St. Augustine photos. I brought my small, snapshot camera in my purse. I wanted to bring the Nikon, but I wasn't sure where we'd be going. It's a bit combersome to carry it around, but totally worth it if I know there's a photographic opportunity. Maybe next time. This time we're probably just going to visit with family and eat somewhere with them. Who knows. We have no real plans as of yet. See ya next time! Bye!
Sorry, hadn't checked on your blog lately...lot going on. I know you had a good trip. Glad you got to see Joel's folks and also a place that you haven't seen before.
Love Ya Heapes, Bibbi
Posted by: Bibbi | August 05, 2008 at 10:06 PM