I don't know what to do with myself right now. The house is unusually quiet. Kolby and Joel are sleeping and so are the critters.....all of them! That's rare as Penny usually stays up until I go to bed. She sleeps in our bed of course. Even the gliders, the nocturnal babies, are snoozing. They'll be awake again I'm sure, but it's kinda nice to have the house to myself while it's quiet. Like I said, though....I don't know what to do. lol Things are usually hustling and bustling around here no matter what time of day.
I did take this time to do some PSP playing. I made a tag for myself from some graphics I thought were cute. Here it is:
As you can see it's pink and black....I love those colors together. I remember when I was a kid having some Converse shoes. I don't remember what color, though. I just remember having them.
I've been wanting to paint again lately. I've been searching Etsy and Ebay for my inspiration. There is no shortage of inspiration on those sites!! I also came across a blog with some very pretty pieces. Check it out: http://artandtea.vox.com/ I just love the vibrant colors! My favorite on that page right now is the cats in the room with the lil blue birdy. This is my favorite style....Folk Art. I like the prim stuff, but the vibrant colored ones are the ones I'm drawn to the most. Wish me luck in my painting....I'm still a beginner and my teacher is ALLLLLLL the way up in GA. lol
I guess I'll hop off here and go to bed with the rest of the family. It's late anyway and I have a book that I'm reading that I'd love to get into further.
Have a good one!
I remember your Converse tennies, as your Grandma Smith use to call them. I also think I remember that you didn't like them to much???? Not the right style for the time! lol
I like the tag. I like pictures like that...enterestingly questioning, "where are they going, I wonder, in such a hurry to walk out of their shoes?" lol Just my concept of the picture!
I wish I were with you to do some painting too. I have had the urge lately too. You can do it and do a good job without me though. I do love painting with you though and glad that you got in to it.
Love Ya Heapes, Bibbi
Posted by: Bibbi | April 18, 2008 at 10:07 AM