I'm still enjoying myself here in Naples even though the weather is a bit scary. There was a thunder so loud that it shook the room a few minutes ago. I hope nothing got struck! It sure sounded like it was hitting the parking lot outside! Very scary! I'm still having a blast just relaxing in this posh place, though.
We had a delivery around lunch time today from my thoughtful In-Laws. They sent us a wine basket full of goodies. There was the wine, some crackers, cheese, mints, Bree, cookies, and a few other things I think. Also, there are some beautiful purple and white Orchids in there among the goodies. I wonder if my sweet MIL did that or if it was just a happy coincidence that my favorite flower was included in the basket. There was also a card wishing us a great time while we're here. Room service delivered the basket and brought extra wine glasses, although the way this place is stocked we already had those plus anything else we need here. One could literally LIVE here and have everything you need to be comfy and happy. Anyway, THANK YOU to my In-Laws, Sandy and Steve!! We love our surprise!!
I had a few hours of down time after our trip down here on Sunday night. So I played on my laptop and PSP. I completed a fun little tutorial: http://justtagit.net/tutorials/springtimewalk.html
Gotta run get ready before Joel gets off work. I think we're going to eat at the Cheesecake Factory tonight. :-) See ya!
Cute tuto....
What a nice thought for Sandy and Steve to send ya'll the nice basket. So happy that you are getting to enjoy all the nice things. Maybe the weather will be better from here on.
Love Ya Heapes, Bibbi
Posted by: Bibbi | April 01, 2008 at 05:44 PM