Hmm.....Random thoughts tonight, so no title. I've been on the internet a lot today. Catching up on mail mostly. I was down and out for a while not feeling well. I actually almost passed out yesterday. I have no idea why. I felt sick and then I got that cold sweaty and everything seemed to be fading. But I didn't....I made it to my bed and was fine after a little while. Joel grabbed me a Coca-Cola in case it was a sugar thing. (Speaking of Joel, he's talking in his sleep as I type this...LMBO) I haven't felt faint since then, but I keep wondering when it will happen again. See, I've had fainting spells before with no reasoning behind it and they usually don't stop at once. Maybe this time it IS only the one time, though. So anyway, I've been doing some catch up on emails. Mostly junk from groups that can just be deleted, but I have to read them to see first and that takes a while when you get a thousand emails a day. lol
I also did some fighting with PSP. My PSPX (Paint Shop Pro version 10) just all of a sudden stopped working last week. I hadn't changed anything about it at all. I tried running a repair on it, but it didn't work. So I thought back to some of the things that I had installed recently. After uninstalling everything that I didn't absolutely NEED I come to find out that it was an update from DELL that was conflicting with PSP. I don't even like having that Dell utility on my computer, but DELL seems to think ALL of their computers need it since every one of the ones we've ever bought from them have come with it. I finally uninstalled it from my old computer and now it's gone from the new one, as well. So I finally got my PSP back after way too long without it. I need PSP like a crackhead needs crack. LMBO Okay, so that may be an exaggeration, but I do love to use it on an almost daily basis. Does that make me an addict? What if I told you I was worse when it comes to Photoshop? I'm a nerd...I admit it. That's the first step, right? So I got some PSP time in. I made a simple stat with an old tube I made. I tubed a photo of Rambo (my Alexandrian parrot) a loooooong time ago. It was my first and ONLY tube as I'm just not patient enough to be a tuber. Not that wonderful at it, either. lol It turned out okay I guess. Other than that I received a tube that I just loved so I"m following a tutorial to make something of him. I'm still in the middle of it. I finally deduced that I was too sleep deprived to concentrate on following the directions of the tutorial, so I'll pick it up tomorrow from where I left off. It's looking like a pretty cool tut, though, so far!
I just opened a store. I haven't officially opened it to the public or even uploaded any art to it, but I decided to give it a try, so I've got all of my information added and registered for the store. I'll keep my internet peeps updated, of course. You'll see a link to it soon go up. I thought it might be fun and maybe even a way to make some Christmas dough. lol Yeah, right....we shall see! I have ideas, though, so wish me luck with it!
Here's a little something I made in Photoshop.
It's just a forum signature. I don't even do the forum thing any more, but it was one of the tutorials I sent to my Photoshop group Sunday. I thought I'd give it a shot. I snagged the images from a site that sells Photoshop and Illustrator CS2. It said to find some images that represent something you dig, so I figured I digged graphic software enough...I'd go find the boxes for 2 of my faves. The images show some of the white around the edge, but that's the way the tutorial writer did it, so I left a little around the boxes. To me it looks like I just didn't take enough time erasing the background, but....I followed the tut. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out overall. The tut writer was good, too. I hate it when I'm trying to do a tutorial only to find that the tut writer can't speak English or skips steps. It's very frustrating to follow those kind!
Okay, I think that's about all I can muster up for tonight. See ya next time!
You wanted luck wished for you so here it is...
Gooooooood Luuuuuuuuck
Love Ya Heapes, Mama
PS. I still say you need to go to a cardiologist....Now listen to Yo Mama.
Posted by: Bibbi | November 28, 2007 at 08:07 PM