Woohoo! Tomorrow morning we're leaving to meet Mom and Mam-maw to pick up Kolby and bring him back home. His visits with them are too long for me. I can't wait to get my big hug and kiss from him. I'm hoping that some time this week we'll be getting his laptop delivered. Can't wait for the look on his face. We'll be getting up early in the morning to leave, so I'll be needing the aid of Tylenol PM to get some sleep tonight. I'm going to take some shortly after this entry. It's already 10:30, so maybe I'll be sleeping by midnight at the latest. It takes the stuff a little while to kick in. Hopefully if I take it early enough I won't be tired tomorrow. I like to drive when we're on I-75, so I can't be tired. I'm a control freak I guess. I just get really nervous on the interstate, and driving lets me feel more in control.
Today (actually tomorrow, but most people won't see this till then) is Candice's birthday!! Happy Birthday my friend!! We bought her a print of a painting that she loves by James Browne at www.jamesbrowne.net. It made it to Vancouver just in time for her birthday tomorrow. It took a while to ship, but everything does to Canada from the states. I also scrapped her a card and uploaded it to my gallery on www.2bscrapped.com where she's a designer. I made it from her Spring Has Sprung kit and All That Glitters collection. Fonts are TKDoodle by Taran Conyers and Luna Bar downloaded from www.dafont.com. Here it is...
That's it for now I guess. I have to put a load of laundry in the dryer and get ready for bed and then I'll be snoozing shortly after. I hope everyone had a great weekend and will have a wonderful Monday! Night/Morning/whatever it is when you read this!
Boooooooo Hoooooooo for me! I am not ready to take Kolby back. He has not been here very long this time. Maybe I will get him back in June when I go to visit.
Drive carefully. See you soon.
Love Ya Heapes, Mama
Posted by: Bibbi | May 08, 2006 at 05:21 AM
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes Rischa! and Thank you again for the birthday LO & James Browne Print! :D
Posted by: Candice | May 09, 2006 at 06:55 PM